Biometric analysis to map the complete inborn profile of a child to find the right nurturance that will help the child to bloom.


BIOMETRIC MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCE (BMI) Test for children is an extremely popular choice. Childhood- which is basically the age of 6 years to 12 years is a crucial age for any individual. Considering that almost 90% of brain development has been achieved before as one reaches this phase, this becomes a crucial period for the student, parents and teachers to definitively regulate a child’s developments during this time.

As school education booms to become a very competitive industry- it is only getting tougher for students to happily select the right board like CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE, IB, or State Board (SSC) and succeed through the primary and secondary school years. Needless to say, there is a lot of trusts that a parent places in the school system to take care of their children.

It is a researched fact that the neural network expansion in the areas of frontal, parietal and temporal lobe is rapid during this time. Thus, the child has started gaining a deeper understanding of the processes surrounding him/ her and functions like memory, language, emotional processing are heightened. Hence, knowing the child’s inborn potential and traits via DMIT Test allows the parents and mentors to nurture the child effectively.

It is a researched fact that the neural network expansion in the areas of frontal, parietal and temporal lobe is rapid during this time. Thus, the child has started gaining a deeper understanding of the processes surrounding him/ her and functions like memory, language, emotional processing are heightened. Hence, knowing the child’s inborn potential and traits via DMIT Test allows the parents and mentors to nurture the child effectively.


‘Dermatoglyphics’ is a Greek word. Derma = SKIN /GLYPHICS = RIDGES or the lines that form our Fingerprints. Harold Cummins, M.D. aka. the Father of Dermatoglyphics, established the Theory in 1926. Since then, many scientists and medical doctorate, have confirmed that the structural function of Cerebral Cortex can be analyzed from the skin grains or ridges on the finger & toe prints.

By mapping the spread of the 100 billion brain cells on different areas of cortex, the sequence of advantages of learning, and the code of potential and differentiation can be scaled and checked genetically & scientifically.

Dermatoglyphics (Fingerprint Analysis) is a Scientific & Genetic tool to help you identify your innate personality and talent, to build them into strengths, work upon your areas of improvements, and to fulfill the ultimate need of self-actualization.

It’s Exclusive to every Individual

No two person in the world have same fingerprints. BMIT studies the combination of brain lobes, total finger ridge count, nerve growth factor, fingerprint patterns to identify one’s potential.

Scientifically and Genetic Proven

Fingerprints are formed during 13th – 19th week of pregnancy along with Child’s brain and have inheritable qualities from parents or grandparents.

Lifetime Validity

The BMIT report is valid for lifetime, as the fingerprints wont change. One can refer to same report at any phase or purpose of your life.


Our brain consists of 5 different Lobes – PRE FRONTAL /FRONTAL/PARIETAL/TEMPORAL/OCCIPITAL
These 5 lobes are further divided into left brain and right brain, each carrying 5 parts each – splitting them into 10 divisions, with each part responsible for different functions.
Our right hand fingers represent our left brain and our left hand fingers represent our right brain.


All of these functions and co-relation are the same for every individual, however, every brain’s has different learning styles, absorption power, motivation, multiple intelligences, execution system, Congenital Quotients etc.
We help map the uniqueness of each individual through their fingerprint patterns. Combination of Patterns, Sequence, TFRC, Brain Lobes, Nerve Growth Factor is what makes each individual’s Fingerprints unique.


Adjustment to School

Whether the child has trouble making friends or is a little rebellious. We have got you covered with our analysis of how does the child comprehend and react with their surroundings- and think and behave accordingly. This will actually be useful to help a parent, school teacher, coach or any other mentor supervise the child’s behavioural traits.

Improving Relationship

Understanding the child’s dynamics with people and the surroundings is important for their growth. Knowing the right learning pattern and appropriate social exposure is the key to excel in fostering healthy relationships with parents, peers etc…

Effective Study Habits and Practices

From 6th standard itself the school starts providing options to learn subjects like additional languages and computers. Thus, the child needs to streamline their options to align with their future vision. Knowing it is difficult to have that foresight at such an early age, a detailed BMIT Test analysis helps in understanding the challenges and strengths side-by side to timely capitalise on the child’s profile instead of putting the child through trial-and-error perspective.

Developing Student Potential

As the world gets more and more competitive, a report card by itself falls short of making the student shine. Imagine if the student has a vast potential to perform theatrical acts, but she/he is never on stage- the student will lead an unsatisfied and unfulfilled life. However, we cannot pressurise the child and force them to attend each and every activity class- this would stress them out. Thus, knowing their strengths and assets would help in focussing the time and energy to make that talent shine. It would also help in strategically motivating the child to explore certain skills they are not comfortable with.

Inculcating Basic Academic Skills

Often we would teach a child the way we learn. However, if some child learn better with pictures- forcing them to write down repeatedly would be counterproductive and would hamper a child’s learning process. It is unfair to make a child labour through academics pointlessly. Using the right learning style will ensure that the process of gaining knowledge is an enjoyable and productive one.

Improving Test Taking Skills

SSC/ ICSE/ CBSE/ IB/ IGCSe or other; which board brings out the best in your child? There are several curriculums to opt from, but only one of them will be the best fit for any child. Choosing a board which contributes to grooming a child to the best of his abilities and inspiring to achieve their short term and long term goals has significant impact.

Emotional Regulation

Manage your child’s behavior, reactions and emotions like anger, frustration, anxiety, tantrums

Select Activities based on their innate abilities and Multiple Intelligences

Creativity, communication, sports and performing arts are amongst many skills required for development of all-round personality. Knowing their strengths and weaknesses allows the parents to give them suitable guidance and exposure on both fronts.

Give your child a stress-free future


Scan all your 10 Fingerprints via Mobile App
GMS process & analyse fingerprints and generate unique BMIT report.
(generally takes 24-48 hours).
One-on-One Online Consultation with Certified Dermatoglyphics Consultant.


Interactive Counselling with Insights (Deep Dive)

99% Accurate Report

100% Safe & Secure Technology to capture Fingerprints


Turtle Protection - Privacy Ensured
